Yoga Asanas to improve eyesight

by Vishakha Gujar   

Our fast-paced and sedentary life calls for movement and exercise to improve our health.

Hours of working behind a desk and in front of a screen often make us forget about our eyes’ health.

Why is staring at a screen all day harmful?

The human eye blinks 20 times per minute. When we stare at a screen, however, the blinking rate drops to almost 7 times per minute -which is harmful to the eye. Our ciliary muscles, which control the shape of the lens and how well we focus, remain contracted without rest. This tires the muscle and prevents the eye from blinking. Blinking is important, given that it spreads tears over the eye, and when blinking decreases, the corneal surface dries out. This causes “misty” vision and dry eyes.

Why eye yoga 

Practicing eye yoga exercises regularly can prevent eye damage and facilitate the normal functioning of the eye.

Here are simple, yet beneficial eye yoga exercises that are so easy that you can practice them anywhere and at any time.

Up / Down, Left / Right Viewing

Yoga Asanas for eyes

  • Begin by sitting with a spine erect, shoulders and neck relaxed
  • Keep the head in a fixed, straight position
  • Move the eyes up, down, left, and right
  • Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times. After completing the exercise, close your eyes to rest

Circular Clockwise and Anticlockwise Viewing

Yoga Asanas for eyes

  • Begin by sitting with a spine erect, shoulders, and neck relaxed
  • Keep the head in a fixed, straight position
  • Move the eyes in a circular motion. Start by looking downward left, upward left, upward right, and downward right, in a clockwise movement
  • Let the movement of the eyes flow circularly
  • After completing the clockwise movement, repeat the same exercise anticlockwise.
  • Repeat each circular motion 10 times

Diagonal Viewing

Yoga Asanas for eyes

  • Begin by sitting with a spine erect, shoulders, and neck relaxed
  • Keep the head in a fixed, straight position
  • Move the eyes in a diagonal motion. Start by looking upward right, then downward left, and then reverse it. Imagine drawing the infinity sign with the eyes
  • Repeat the movement 10 to 20 times
  • After completing it, close your eyes to rest

Squint Viewing

Yoga Asanas for eyes

  • Begin by sitting with a spine erect, shoulders, and neck relaxed
  • Keep the head in a fixed, straight position
  • Squint the eyes by looking at the tip of the nose. Start gradually looking upward between the eyebrows, all the while having the eyes in a squint position
  • Repeat this movement 10 to 20 times
  • After completing it, close your eyes and relax

Near and Far Viewing

Yoga Asanas for eyes

  • Begin by sitting with a spine erect, shoulders, and neck relaxed
  • Keep the head in a fixed, straight position
  • Place your finger on the tip of the nose. Focus on the finger for 5 seconds, then begin distancing the finger slowly until the arm is fully parallel to the floor, all the while having the eyes focused on the finger
  • Repeat this 10 to 20 times


  • Begin by sitting with a spine erect, shoulders, and neck relaxed
  • Keep the head in a fixed, straight position
  • Rub the palm of your hands forcefully against each other until warm. Place the palms over the eyelids
  • Feel the gentle warm effect of the palms on the eyelids, and imagine relaxing the eye muscles
  • Stay in this position for around 1 minute, then relax the arms and open the eyes when you feel ready


Trataka a very powerful type of eye exercise is one among the Shatkriyas; the six ultimate yogic purification methods advocated by Hatha Yoga. It involves consciously starting at a particular object ( flame of a ghee lamp in this case ) for a certain period of time. 

Trataka helps in the complete cleansing of the eyes, it flushes out impurities and improves our concentration, memory power, and of course vision. Practicing trataka also helps us to be fully aware of ourselves and our surroundings, it is said to activate the third eye chakra if done with utmost focus, dedication, and regularity. 

How to do it – 

  • Sit in a comfortable position in a completely dark and still room.
  • Lit a lamp/ Diya with a ghee wick and place it at a distance of one meter from where you are seated.
  • Close your eyes, take a deep breath, and fix your gaze at the still flame.
  • Concentrate at the tip of the flame where it is at the brightest.
  • Close your eyes to the point where they begin to water. Make sure you’re not straining them.
  • Once you close your eyes, a strong image of the flame appears before the eyes. Concentrate on the image until it completely fades and repeat the procedure again.
  • Start with 10 secs as a beginner and increase the time as you practice it regularly.
  • Alternatively, you can do the same procedure by starting at an inanimate image or object or even the sun if it does not strain your eyes.

All the above-given procedures help up to cleanse the eyes, improve vision, and get rid of eye strain and stress when done regularly. Our eyes are one of the most delicate and important organs which makes it absolutely necessary for us to take proper care of them.

Do check out our article for 5 yoga Asanas for a healthy back 

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