Wheatgrass – A star in the world of natural healing.

by Vishakha Gujar   

Packed with a myriad of health benefits, Wheatgrass is a star in the world of holistic healing. 

Wheatgrass is nothing but fresh, young leaves of the common wheat plant. Power-packed with plenty of nutrition, Wheatgrass is the superfood of the 21st century. 

In recent years, interest has grown globally in this nutrient-dense superfood, and scientific studies continue to unearth its many medicinal benefits

Ironically, this now very popular wheatgrass has been grown and used for many years. Wheatgrass fans are immensely dedicated to this superfood and we don’t blame them for being so. 

Wondering why? Let’s get started!



Wheatgrass is your Daily nutrition booster!

Rich in Chlorophyll, and Antioxidants, Wheatgrass is known to contain all major essential amino acids. It is also a great source of Vitamin A, B2, B6, C, E, and minerals like magnesium, zinc, calcium, and iron. 

With that, Along with Spirulina and Moringa, Wheatgrass can also be considered as a complete source of protein. 

Wheatgrass also helps to boost immunity, promotes blood purification, and provides us with many such supporting health benefits that help us stay fit and going. 

Wheatgrass is the perfect complement to a healthy lifestyle and is a simple and convenient way to add up nutrition, everyday.

Wheatgrass for Gut Health and Weightloss 

Proper gut health is particularly influenced by the strength of the gut wall which functions to selectively allow the passage of nutrients and restrict that of toxins. 

Unfortunately, a poor diet can rapidly change the gut bacteria, cause inflammation, and ultimately lead to a compromised gut barrier! 

Packed with a high amount of fibers, vitamins B complex, and vitamin C, Wheatgrass plays a very important role to improve metabolism. 

It is loaded with digestive enzymes which help in breaking down food, and improve the pace of digestion, absorption, and assimilation. 

Consuming Wheatgrass is considered to be very beneficial for improving the quality of our gut health and reduction of Gut issues like IBS, Constipation, etc. 

Being nutritionally dense with no fat and minimum calories, Wheatgrass can very positively help you in shedding those extra kilos without making you starve. 

Wheatgrass for detoxification 

Chlorophyll helps in detoxifying the body while supporting and promoting liver functions. 

It is a powerful blood and liver cleanser. It targets the organ, cleanses, heals, and strengthens it from the roots. Wheatgrass can even promote and stimulate the regeneration of liver tissue that has been damaged. Furthermore, the anti-inflammatory properties of these compounds can help reduce inflammation of the gut wall, thus improving the integrity of the wall to inhibit the passage of toxins into the bloodstream

With that Wheatgrass is also known to eliminate digestive toxins. With ample fiber content and the ability to keep the biological fire burning, Wheatgrass effectively helps to eliminate internal toxins. 

In Ayurveda, it is called Aama-hara, which means, Wheatgrass in its own way removes Aama- the stagnant, undigested toxins, from the body. 

What is Aama? How it builds up and what to do? Read everything about Aama by clicking here! 

Wheatgrass for diabetes 

The anti-oxidant function of Wheatgrass helps in reducing the sugar levels in the blood. It also increases insulin levels and actively helps in managing type2 diabetes.  It is known to lower the glycemic index of foods, which has an evident effect on blood sugar levels.

Consuming wheatgrass every day has shown positive results in the management of diabetes, considering the superfood not only keeps the insulin and sugar level in check but also improves the overall quality of health. 

Keep your heart happy with Wheatgrass 

Research states that wheatgrass positively reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the body. With an ample amount of potassium, magnesium, and chlorophyll, wheatgrass helps to lower blood pressure, regulate blood flow and even promote blood purification. 

Majorly acting to take off severe load from your heart, wheatgrass can be effectively useful in hypertension. 

Overall, consuming wheatgrass aids in a happy, healthy functioning heart. 

Wheatgrass to Up your Iron-Intake

Low iron content in the body may look like, frequent fatigue, unexplained dizziness, and constant tiredness among other symptoms.  

In fact, people who don’t get enough iron, vitamin B12, or folate in their diet could be at risk for developing anemia.

Wheatgrass is a potent storehouse of Iron. With that, it also contains all necessary vitamins, minerals, and majorly chlorophyll which acts as a blood cleanser and also increases the supply of oxygen in the bloodstream. 

Wheatgrass may help facilitate the absorption of iron, increase red blood cell count, and maintain normal blood parameters. 



Along with the above-said benefits, Wheatgrass is said to have anti-carcinogenic properties and quick wound healing properties due to the presence of active chlorophyll and binding compounds. 

Consuming Wheatgrass every day has said to positively improve skin texture, and add a visible glow and shine. 

Wheatgrass is so nutritionally packed with all essential vitamins and vital minerals, that it takes care of everything, right from bone health, insomnia, mental health, and hair care. 

Consume it fresh every day or just mix Wheatgrass powder in water to make a concoction for your daily fix. 

You can also add this superfood to your breakfast bowls, smoothies, and spice mixes to take your health on a whole different level. 

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