Understanding Ojas, Tejas & Prana.

by Vishakha Gujar   

Ojas, Tejas, Prana – The sublime essence of the three doshas. The entities that determine our physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. 

Ayurveda is the knowledge of life, it is the science that strives to know and live “health”. The primary aim of Ayurveda is to keep the health of a healthy individual intact. It clearly in its own way says, that health is not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. It is a state of total physical, mental and social well-being. This also happens to be the world-famous definition of health, given by WHO. 

So where does Ojas, Tejas, and Prana fit in this? Well, these three entities are so intricately interconnected with Vata, Pitta, and Kapha that they are considered to be their subtle forms.

Ojas is related to immunity and longevity. 

Tejas is considered to be the internal radiance. 

Prana is the life force. 

Ojas. Tejas, Prana

Also, it is to be majorly noted, that the vitiation of the three doshas leads to the corruption of Ojas, Tejas, and Prana. And the corruption of Ojas, Tejas, and Prana leads to the vitiation of the three doshas. Get the idea? 

Let’s dive deeper to understand the three entities a little more thoroughly!

Ojas – The vital fluid of life.

It is the most supreme nectar which governs immunity, health, strength, vitality, and longevity. 

Ojas is the essence of Kapha dosha and Shukra Dhatu ( the last of the seven body tissues ). Ojas is the essence, the most important byproduct of the seven dhatus, so much that it is also called as Dhaatu-Saara; the elixir of the seven tissues.

Ayurveda considers Ojas to be of two types, Para and Apara. 

Para Ojas resides in the Heart. In that position, it governs life itself.

As the heart and the mind are interconnected, Para Ojas forms a bridge, controlling the mind and promoting mental strength and stability. 

Apara Ojas resides and circulates in the entire body. Given that, this mobile Ojas is responsible for health and immunity. 

A jolly person with a fit body who seldomly falls sick and has a positive aura around him, such a person is a perfect example with optimum Ojas.

This slimy, honey-like vital fluid is responsible for Immunity, stability, reproductive strength, stamina and health, endurance, calmness, happiness, contentment, bliss, vigor, strength, and lustre. 

Some Ojas supporting foods include raisins, almonds, dates, and ghee.   

Our daily actions, our diet, exercise, lifestyle, and our hold on emotions decide the fate of Ojas. 

If we indulge in a more sattvic lifestyle, consume sattvic meals, have a positive hold on our emotions we can effectively support, maintain and promote the quality of Ojas required for a healthy, disease-free life.

Tejas – The Internal Radiance 

Tejas is the internal radiance, it is the subtle form of Pitta dosha and Agni Mahabhuta. 

Tejas is your body’s natural intelligence, it is the heat that helps the body sustain and work. Tejas governs and regulates all the minute and major metabolic functions of the body. 

As it is subtly related to Pitta dosha and Agni, it also checks digestion, absorption, and assimilation.

Mentally, Tejas works to give that sharpness to the mind, it is the strength and intelligence, It brings confidence and courage. 

A person with optimum Tejas will have that jolly active aura, a shiny lustre, a sharp mind, and optimum digestion.   

A person with unbalanced Tejas on the other hand may look tired, lethargic, inactive, drained out, and mentally frustrated. 

Maintain and look after Tejas by taking good care of your biological fire. If Agni stays well-balanced, Tejas stays well-balanced. As simple as that. 

Read everything about Agni, Ways to balance our biological fire here.

Prana – The life force

Prana is the force of life, It is the biological energy, required to sustain life. 

Prana is the subtle form of Vata dosha. Or as Yogic texts describe, Vata is just a synonym for Prana. It is the energy that moves and motivates us, it checks the functions of the respiratory system, the excretory system, and the nervous system. 

Prana is the psycho-physical connection, allowing us to dive deep within ourselves, connect to the realm of peace and balance the rhythms of our mind and body. 

It is the gateway to inner peace and physical health. 

The Yogic, as well as Ayurvedic texts, describe Chakras as the subtle energy points situated at the central axis of the body at specific intervals. Prana moves and flows through these wheels of the neural network; the Chakras, aiming the activation of Kundalini, A powerful release of energy.  

A person with optimum Prana flow will be enthusiastic and active, will have an optimum appetite and elimination, will seldom suffer from sicknesses, and will have an aura of enlightenment. 

Prana can be supported and enhanced by Pranayama – A deep Sanskrit word made up of two root words Prana and Yama, which means to control and regulate the breath. Pranayama includes simple mindful breathwork that helps us to get a better hold on our breath, preserve the subtle energy, and balance the flow of Prana through our body.  

Prana literally means Life. So anything and everything that we consume should contain the Prana energy. Include more fresh fruits and vegetables, more Ojas supporting foods, and maintain a sattvic diet to support a healthy Prana flow.  

Hence Ojas, Tejas, and Prana are the minute, subtle forms of energies controlling and maintaining our physical, mental, and spiritual wellness. 

These three energies are intricately interrelated, Tejas and Prana are rooted in Ojas, Tejas is the strength and energy of Ojas and Prana is the ultimate life force. 

Understanding them is like understanding ourselves, our bodies from a deeper and a wider perspective.  


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