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- Most orders are processed within 1-2 business days unless the making time is long which is mentioned in the description. You can expect delivery of domestic orders in India within 3-7 business days. For locations that are in the interiors or complex coverage area, this may take more working days.
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April 3, 2023
Very well worth the money.
April 11, 2023
Was super soft and cosy. Loved it.
Peeyush K
June 5, 2023
This heavy cotton blanket is great for travel/covering oneself when practicing yoga outdoors or for cushioning on a hard surface. However, due to its flannel material, maintenance (frequent laundering) might be an issue. Due to abrasion during agitation in the wash, this fabric tends to thin and pill over time. Unfortunately, the blanket does not come with washing/maintenance instructions.
Kira Westfall
December 16, 2023
Lovely blanket! There was a challenge with stock availability for my order but the seller handled it with kindness and grace.
December 24, 2023
With sensitive skin, this blanket checked my boxes? It’s soft, warm and natural, not synthetic.
I use it on my regular bed and it’s perfect I don’t overheat. Grateful for natural fibers, highly recommend this brand.
Richard Turnbull
February 21, 2024
Happy with the product purchase and time frame for delivery..
Mary Keane
July 25, 2024
Great yoga blanket for anyone