Discover Your Dosha.

Find out your Ayurvedic Body-type by taking our Dosha quiz!

Question 1/20

What best describes your body frame:
My body weight is:
Which best describes your eyes:
Which best describes your skin:
Which best describes your hair:
My joints are:
Which best describes your body temperature:
How is your digestion:
Which best describes your elimination:
How would you describe your physical activity?
How is your sleep pattern usually?
What best describes your Physical Strength/Endurance?
Which illnesses or ailments do you tend to have?
If you were to experience any of the following negative emotions, which would be most likely?
Which trait describes your memory :
Which best describes how you talk:
How is your relationship with money?
How strong is your perspiration usually?
Which best describes your personality?
What best describes your work style?

Your test is complete! Fill in the details to know your dosha
