Purchases are shipped from our warehouse in Kollegal, a small town near Mysore in India, by reputed courier partners. Please allow the following number of days from receipt of your order.
- Most orders are processed within 1-2 business days unless the making time is long which is mentioned in the description. You can expect delivery of domestic orders in India within 3-7 business days. For locations that are in the interiors or complex coverage area, this may take more working days.
- Order deliveries are made between 9AM – 6 PM Monday – Saturday excluding public holidays.
- If you have any issues with tracking your order, you can email us at care@sarveda.com or Whatsapp us in the link below.
- Shipping and handling rates may vary based on product, packaging, size, volume, type, and other considerations. The shipping and handling charges are given at the time of check out, and consumers will know about this before making payments.
- Sarveda is not responsible for damage after delivery.
- There are no hidden charges when you buy any product from us. The prices listed on our website are inclusive of all taxes. The final price includes shipping charges based on your location
April 3, 2023
Good service.
April 11, 2023
Have been looking for a cushion that’s made with eco products, so glad I found one of good quality.
June 20, 2024
Came as described, was well-filled, and is comfortable to use during yoga. Shipping took a little while and was on the pricier side but it wasn’t too bad since I live pretty far out.
December 8, 2024
The meditation coushion I received arrived as promised in the time expected and I’m so happy to have it. It’s soft and comfortable and serves me well. Thank you!